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A brief selection of comments from my survey about the Reds and Greys.

“She has found a way to keep her art in a sea of conformity” (Musician); “He holds knowledge in his hand but is out of view” (Wolfman); “Carrying a heavy load w/ a smile on his face” (Stevedore); “As art I would not change it—as a world I would want greater balance”; “interaction between 2 worlds even in secret”; “I think both sides are unhappy. I want to give them each a little of what the other has”;  “Absolutely to work, the admin, versus the worker bees”; “Our current economy”; “Everything. Really Powerful”; “Seems to relate to disparity in the U. S.”; “Yes, the current political climate”;  “I relate to “Server” I live in a wealthy town and worked a serving job. I’ve been where she is and it isn’t nice.”; “I come from a family of hard working people”.

In our hyperbolic times, B. Lynch’s dioramas, prints, paintings and figurines capture the essence of our polarized society by engagingly creating a fanciful world for the viewer to enter. Her fabricated pageant is built with a variety of media (paper sculpture, wire, paint and prints). The work is a mash-up of time periods, theatrically posing two factions of human existence.

The Reds, placed in the stylish 18th century, have all the money, the best stuff and seemingly steer events. The larger Greys faction, living in a dystopian setting are the doers, they have work but little else.  So who’s on top? Revolutions echo down the years, philosophers extol the dignity of work, everybody wants riches and leisure. How do we cope?

Installation views:


Press Release can be downloaded Press Release Extravagantly Absurd

You can see a short video of artist talk and the installation reception by Rick Brotman on Vimeo